Friday, September 23, 2011

Coveresque feat. Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick (US vs. Dutch vs. Ger)

Here you see three different covers of CRESCENDO: Us, Dutch and German. All of them are dominated by dark colors and involve feathers in some way. Lightning in the US and German covers suggest a more turbulent continuation of the story. The German cover links to the first book in the series in so far as the cover model is shown in the same pose as Patch on the cover of  HUSH, HUSH. Which one do you like best?


  1. Ich versteh nicht, wieso die Deutschen nicht auch das Cresenco Cover übernommen haben, so wie sie auch das Hush Hush Cover übernommen haben.

    1) US
    2) Germany
    3) Dutch

    In der Reihenfolge gefallen sie mir.

  2. I like the US cover the best... but the German cover is a close second. I don't really like the Dutch cover.
