Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Coveresque feat. Requiem by Lauren Oliver (US vs. Czech vs. German)

                US                                     Czech                                  German                  

REQUIEM by Lauren Oliver has been released March 5th 2013 in the US. Two months later and we already have eight different covers to choose from.

The US cover continued the DELIRIUM cover redesign with its flowers and leaves in the background and a girl's face in its center. The cover looks nice on my shelf together with PANDEMONIUM in orange and DELIRIUM in blueish green, but is the least appealing out of the three featured covers above.

The Czech cover is modelled on the original DELIRIUM cover (not the first ARC cover) which I really liked (see it on the left side). It's just the grey color that looks a bit too drab and still.

„Freiheit“ which means freedom ist written all over the German cover. Original idea and definitely my favourite detail of the cover. I'm not sure about the girl's expression on the cover. Closed eyes could equal various states of emotion, to be withdraw, concentrated or resigned. The US cover model however with eyes wide open stands for an offensive character or a strong will to fight and appears way more active.

And here are some other covers. Left to right: UK, Swedish, Polish, French, Russian. The UK cover had been one of my favourites from the moment of its reveal, because I love the color sceme and it represents my feel about REQUIEM best. 

Tell me, which cover do you like best? 


  1. Love seeing all the different covers!

    The UK covers for this series are my faves (although they changed them quite a bit before they settled on a set of covers!) I quite like the Polish cover too - hadn't seen it before now. :)

  2. Ooh I like the Swedish one! I liked the original North American one, too, that's the one I own... wish they had stayed with that instead of the weird flowers and faces.

  3. Ohh, I like the second one :D Thank you for sharing sweetie. <3 Won't ever read the book, but I do love looking at pretty covers :)
    Thank you for commenting on my blog. <3
    Love, Carina @ Carina's Books

  4. I was a little disappointed when they changed the covers. I wish they keeped those which were modelled on the original one in France but they didn't :/
    It's not that they are unattractive but I find them less original than the first...
    Anyway the bests are the UK's :)
