Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Giveaway: ARC of Famous Last Words by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski + Swag

This is your chance to win an ARC of FAMOUS LAST WORDS by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski and with it the perfect read for your summer vacation. Last month I did a Q&A with Jen and she also wrote a guest post about road trips. I loved her debut novel, HOW MY SUMMER WENT UP IN FLAMES. You can read my review here. My review of FAMOUS LAST WORDS will be up here closer around its pub date in July.

Sixteen-year-old Samantha D’Angelo has death on the brain. Her summer internship at the local newspaper has her writing obituaries instead of soaking up the sun at the beach. Between Shelby, Sam’s boy-crazy best friend; her boss Harry, a true-blue newspaper man; and AJ, her fellow “intern scum” (aka the cute drummer for a band called Love Gas), Sam has her hands full. But once she figures out what—or who—is the best part of her summer, will she mess it all up?

As Sam learns her way around both the news room and the real world, she starts to make some momentous realizations about politics, ethics, her family, romance, and most important—herself.

Summary by Goodreads

a Rafflecopter giveaway

* You enter for a chance to win my ARC of Famous Last Words + Swag
* The giveaway starts on June 5th and will end on June 30th
* Enter the rafflecopter form!
* Good luck :)


  1. "Famous last words" is a serious Must-have candidate on my GR-Wishlist. I think, I even might have discovered it here first. And now you're doing an ARC Giveaway. may I say it's destiny?! The story sounds enchanting and also heartbreaking.

    Liebe GrĂ¼sse,
    Sandy aka Nightingale

  2. Thank you for the international giveaway, it sounds like the perfect summer read :)

  3. FAMOUS LAST WORDS looks like such a fun read.

  4. Thanks for the giveaway and for making it international :))

  5. Been looking forward to this because it sounds fun! Thanks for the international giveaway! :D

  6. Awesome giveaway! Fingers crossed... :D
