Thursday, July 7, 2011

Coveresque feat. Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma (US vs. UK vs. German)

Very smiliar, yet different. FORBIDDEN is, together with DIVERGENT, my favourite book 2011 so far. I like all the covers (still have to decide if I buy the UK or US copy), because they fit the story very well. Every time I look at the barbwire heart, I fell like crying, again! Tell me, which is your favourite?


  1. I kind of like the red one. I feel like it describes the book a bit better. Every time I see this book I feel sad all over again.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. like the barbed wired heart on the UK & US version because it has it's own meaning behind it (which would be a major spoiler if I explained), but for one of the first time I can remember in a very long time I actually prefer the German version with the red rose petals.

  4. I pretty much like all three. I have the UK cover at home. But I have to say the German cover is definitely more beautiful. I love how the wired heart is faded and the red petals are prominent. It's beautiful.

  5. I really like the German one for once :) Although it is really thick and takes up a lot of space >.< If i had to decide between the other two, I'd probably go for the black one, just seems to suit the whole story better...

  6. I like the German covers best! The barbed wire heart reminds me of one of those Forest of Hands and Teeth zombie books. Can't remember which one. I don't do zombie books!

  7. The German one is actually my favorite! I like the extra flair. It jumps out more on the shelf!

    And I'm with Leanna; the barbed wire reminds me too much of Forest of Hands and Teeth!

  8. I haven't read this one so judging just from my favourite cover, German cover!

  9. I really like all three of them and judging by appreamnce i like the third one best but i think they all mean dif things, Like the 1st one ( red) to me shows blood and the wire forbidding because of their shared blood so there can be NO love, The black once cause its a sad book and the third one is my favorite because it shows faded wire and rose petales .... them letting their love in that finally the wire has worn down and they broke it and now theyre expressing their true feeling. I luved this book highly recomend it
