Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Coveresque feat. Crewel by Gennifer Albin (US vs. UK vs.German)

    US                                    UK                                   German

I haven't done a coveresque post in ages and just knew that I had to show you the beautiful German CREWEL cover. I can't say if it fits the story, but I really like its light colors, the dreamy details and the overall fairy tale like look.

The US cover is colorful and appears very psychedelic. I didn't like it at first, but think it's an ok cover for an original story.

My least favourite cover would be the UK edition. I've never been a fan of green and red together and I honestly don't like that the cover is dominated by the girls' face and just one green swirl around the heading.

Which is your favourite?


  1. I think I agree. the German cover is very pretty and by far my favorite.
    The US cover is... ok.
    But I dont like the UK cover at all.

    I love these posts!!! :)

  2. I like the German cover :D It looks elegant and pretty.


  3. I think the US cover fits the story the best, but I do like the others too. :)

  4. I haven't read the book yet but I'm liking the look of the US cover, personally. It definitely has a very magical, dream-like feel to it.
